16 Sep 2011

Backticking command combo - Or how to not have to type long names

So, your instructions say to edit config.xml while setting up a program in Ubuntu/Debian Linux. You realize you don’t have a clue where it’s at… sudo apt-get install locate && sudo updatedb Then once it indexes your files, type a quick locate config.xml to find it. At this point you realize it’s buried in many sub folders of subfolders, but you need to edit it with your favorite editor (vim, nano, emacs..) If it’s the only result from the locate command, type vim locate config.xml``.  This uses command interpolation to substitute the answer of the locate request :). There should be a snappy way also to chop the results (if more than one appears)…but I’m out of time!

16 Sep 2011

Tip for lost config lines by Mr. Grep

When editing multiple config files in complex installs it’s easy to lose track of where each parameter exists. Solution? Recursive grep with -n function ie grep -rn help\_me\_param . -n = line number and file name printed on left column of results -r = recursive -rn = win

14 Sep 2011

Brute Forcing scripts, IDS, and open phpinfo() page...

phpinfo(). Trying to brute force servers is dumb… especially while leaving your phpinfo() online. Wouldn’t have gotten into these systems using those defaults but I still sleep safer at night with an active response IDS. /wave @ probably compromised box.

09 Sep 2011

OpenEMR 4.0 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation - Oemr

OpenEMR 4.0 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation - Oemr.   OpenEMR looks like a nice way to limit physician costs as re-imbursements shrink. Hearing lead Physician on the project, it’s good stuff.  By far the most techie talk I’ve attended #OhioLinuxFest Very easy install, dpkg -i openXXXXX.deb Followed by an apt-get -f install to clean up a missing dependency. < 2 min from starting wget to finishing install & logging onto http://localhost/openemr.

08 Sep 2011

GoogleAnalytics and TikiWiki

Sat down this morning to integrate Google Analytics into a couple TikiWiki CMS based sites. ;Went down easily for the WPress based ones… Tikis took a little (very little) research. Here’s the trick, as found on TikiWiki’s documentation. (The option of including it in the Javascript field or in standard location worked well in TikiWiki 7.0.) Their first option of including it within literal tags and using the GoogleAnalytics Plugin didn’t work on my older TikiWiki (~6.1). ;Used the second answer and it worked perfectly. ;Place the following code in the Look & Feel tab under “Custom End of Code”:

<scripttype="text/javascript"\> ; ;var ;_gaq ;= ;_gaq ;|| ;[]; ; ;_gaq.push(['_setAccount', ;'UA-XXXXXXXX-1']); ; ;_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); ; ;(function() ;{ ;  ; ;var ;ga ;= ;document.createElement('script'); ;ga.type ;='text/javascript'; ;ga.async ;= ;true; ;  ; ;ga.src ;= ;('https:' ;== ;document.location.protocol ;?'https://ssl' ;: ;'http://www') ;+ ;'.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; ;  ; ;var ;s ;= ;document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, ;s); ; ;})();\</script\>{/literal}{else}{literal}\<script ;type="text/javascript"\> ; ;var ;_gaq ;= ;_gaq ;|| ;[]; ; ;_gaq.push(['_setAccount', ;'UA-XXXXXXXX-1']); ; ;_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); ; ;_gaq.push(['_setVar', ;'ga_exclude']); ; ; ;(function() ;{ ;  ; ;var ;ga ;= ;document.createElement('script'); ;ga.type ;='text/javascript'; ;ga.async ;= ;true; ;  ; ;ga.src ;= ;('https:' ;== ;document.location.protocol ;?'https://ssl' ;: ;'http://www') ;+ ;'.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; ;  ; ;var ;s ;= ;document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, ;s); ; ;})();\</script\>

Thanks for the clear documentation doc.tiki.org ;and give the CMS a try. It’s a nicely integrated CMS w/ wiki, blog, forums, etc. Source: ;PluginGoogleAnalytics | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

07 Sep 2011

Debian install on HP TM2t error

After trying to install #! (Crunchbang) Linux on a laptop, I received an error that wouldn’t let me boot into the system. Turns out all that needs to be done is append the following command your kernel boot line: intel\_iommu=on   More details available here in the bug report (where I found the answer): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/742296

07 Sep 2011

Extract Data from a website to Excel - Grab HTML tables to Excel spreadsheets | OutWit Technologies Blog

   Extract Data from a website to Excel - Grab HTML tables to Excel spreadsheets | OutWit Technologies Blog. Found this link while looking for a way to export HTML Table and pull it into a CSV file to convert Ohio Linux Festival 2011 presentation calendar into a Google Calendar, via a bulk event upload CSV. Now it’s available and shared @ bit.ly/r01M0q

07 Sep 2011

How to Improve WordPress Security | Interconnect IT - WordPress Consultants, Web Development and Web Design

How to Improve WordPress Security | Interconnect IT - WordPress Consultants, Web Development and Web Design.   Nothing earth-shattering but solid points and many are simple to implement.  Take a look if you’re needing to tighten up the Sec of your WP blog.

06 Sep 2011

How to Fix FreeNX pub key problem on #! Linux

/etc/ssh/sshd_config Controls these actions and has a line: AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized\_keys2 If not present in /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/ (ie mine was authorized_keys not authorized_keys2) then link one with the right name to it ie ln -s ~.sshauthorized\_keys2 ~.sshauthorized\_key I found a reference stating that authorized_key and authorized_key2 were historically different files denoting where public keys were stored respectively for SSH Protocol 1 and SSH Protocol 2. With Protocol 1 having some vulnerabilities, this seems to be more of a legacy issue. As an aside, I tried it and then swapped it out for x2go… so far it’s been a good choice given my technical requirements and lean financial constraints. Community version of FreeNX limits to 2 TS connections at once :(. Reasonable on their side but I needed more.

05 Sep 2011

Traditional Beginnings

(printc "Hello World") #BASH echo "Hello World" #Ruby puts "Hello World" STDOUT> Hello world!